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New site address!!!!! Note: Visit my NEW site about Reba McEntire and click on Reba on the WB and it will bring you to a section identical to this site.

Walk On-A Reba McEntire fansite

Click on the link above to bring u to the new Reba on The WB fansie address. Why change the address? Well, I wanted to make my own layout so I made this fansite.

About Season 2 of "Reba"
Season 2 of "Reba" is about how Reba has to ajust to the fact that Cheyenne now has her daughter elizabeth to take care of.
Also, Kyra, Reba's youngest daughter has a hatered attitude to Reba everyday! At the end of season 2, we find out that Kyra wants 2 move in with Brock
and Barbra Jean. However, the episode was "to be contiued" and the conclusion to seson 2's cliffhanger will be revealed

About Season 3 of "Reba"
Season 3 of "Reba" is probably going to be about reba ajusting 2 the fact that Kyra is moving in with Brock and B.J. Kyra's decision has not only affected Reba, but the other members of the Hart houselholed as well. I also am affected by Kyra's decision!
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What you have 2 Do
Please watch "Reba" @ 8:00 7:00c on the WB every Friday night! Please e-mail me and tell me what you think of the show!!!!

an add for The WB's Reba
The cast of "Reba"
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