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My Reba episodes!
These are episodes that I made feel free toe-mail me to comment them!

made by:Amy (Webmaster)copyright2003
If you steal my episodes and forget to link them back you will be under severe trouble!
  "One for All and All for One"

All for One and One for All

Reba McEntire
Scarlett Pomers
Guest starring Park Overall
JoAnna Garcia
Also Starring...
Chris Rich
Melissa Peterman
Steve Howey
Mitch Holleman
(act 1)
(Reba's couch at 9:00pm)
Reba: Well, Kyra finally did it
Lori Ann: Did what?
Reba: Didn't I tell you
Lori Ann: tell me what because I was in the Bahamas for my honeymoon gettin' my island grove on,
so you haven't talked to me in say a couple'a months!
Reba: That Kyra wants to move in with Brock and B.J.
Lori Ann: Are you sure Kyra wanted to move in with him or did Brock use his mental retarted powers to somehow communicate with kyra's mind to...
Reba: O.k. Lori Ann I get it but no, Kyra wanted to go and there was nothing else I could do to stop her but to pray.
Lori Ann: You really are upset aren't you
(Kyra enters from front door)
Kyra: Hi mom what are you guys talking about?
Lori Ann:(with an unusual smile on her face)Oh, we wre talkin' about um uh... the weather
Reba: Ya, the weather well well well I see dark clouds for tommorows forecast
Kyra: Sure, I know you were talking about me so you don't have to hold it in
Reba(quickly changing the subject):So what brings you here at 9:00 at night
Cheyenne(walking down the stairs):Oh hey Kyra why are you here?
Kyra: Well, Dad and Barbra-Jean are driving me CRAZY! It's always Henry Henry Henry
Lori Ann: So, well you're saying you don't like living with Pig Face and Snot Breath Reba this is good sign
Kyra: Well, yes they never have time for me at all when I get home its always "hey Hunky Bear Kyra's home make sure she gives Henry his bottle because I'm knittin' his new blanket"
Lori Ann:(chuckling):She knits too oh thats just icing on the cake
Cheyenne: Well, mom I need your help, I have to make up a play for drama class
Reba: Honey, I'm busy helpin' out with Kyra
Cheyenne: O.k., I guess I'll just drop the class
Reba: NO, none of that again
Kyra: See Lori Ann, this is why I left, because mom always puts Cheyenne in front of me
Lori Ann: Hunnie, you have to get it that Cheyenne has a hard life and needs a lot of help with it
Cheyenne: THATS IT!!! O.k. mom help Kyra out this time I'll do my play by MYSELF! Hmph
(Cheyenne walks up the stairs)
Lori Ann: Well, I have to leave
Reba: Why?
Lori Ann: Well, some idiot stole one of my cute garden knome fellas and I have to replace it!!!You know how Jack complains about that..
Reba: You got married a fourth time
Lori Ann: Well ya, you know what they say, fours a charm
Reba: I thought it was three
Lori Ann: No, definately not three I found that out on week two
(End of Act 1)
(beginning of act two)
(In Reba's kitchen at 9:00 in the morning)
Reba: Kyra are you still here
Kyra: yes Mom, please I just woke up no lecture
Reba: Why do people always assume I give lectures about everything
Lori Ann: Well Reba, whenever we go to the mall and I accidently drop something you always say "Lori Ann, pay attention because you when you walk you have to pay attention to..."
Reba: O.k. I get it
Cheyenne: Oh hey mom, I decided what I'm going to do with my play I'll do it with dad and B.J.
Reba: WAIT just a minute Cheyenne you are going to write your play in our house and Kyra you will go back to your dad's house and try to make the situation work because there's nothing much I can do about it
Lori Ann: Well, there might be somethin' I can do,
Reba: What are you saying
Lori Ann: Well, maybe I could sort of you know spy on Brock and Barbra-Jean to see what their life is like.
Reba: No, no, definately not
Jake: Well, Mom, whenever I used to go stay with Dad Barbra-Jean used to sing me a lullabye to get me to sleep
Reba: O.k. Lori Ann its time to work your magic
Lori Ann: You can count on me
Cheyenne: Well, mom, what about my play
Reba: Cheyenne for once in my life I'm going to have to say no
Cheyenne: But..
Reba: Wait Im sorry sweetie but there are more important things to deal with right now
Van: Mrs. H. what are you talking about?
Reba: Cheyenne has to write a play for school and I can't help her right now
Van: I guess you don't care after all
Reba: Wait, y'all know I didn't mean it like that right?
Kyra: O.k. mom, so you are saying that you think everything is going to be better now that you have your best friend as your spy?
Reba: Now that you put it that way it does sound kinda kiddish
Lori Ann: Wait reba you just see I'll handle everything.
Reba: O.k I trust you Lori Ann
(Act 3)
(In Brock's House)
B.J.:Hey Brockie where's Kyra
Brock: I don't know I thought you had her
B.J.:No now what am I going to do I lost your child maybe this is a sign from God, I stole Kyra from Reba and now God stole Kyra from me
Brock:Don't be silly, she's probaly at Gabby's or Reba's. Now I know what this about Reba's so jealous of me she took Kyra from me. I have to go over there now
(Outside the door)
Lori Ann: O.k. (Lori Ann is writing on a note-pad)
Brock and B.J. were discussin' Kyra's disappearin' and brock is goin' over to Reba's
Brock:Hey, Lori Ann, whats going on with you
Lori Ann: Oh hey Brock, BROCK, what are you doin' here
Brock: Oh, nothing only this happens to be MY house
Lori Ann: Oh ya we just moved in
Lori Ann: Oh weren't you at the wedding oh ya you weren't because I didn't invite you becuase I only invite dumb people to weddings that matter
Brock: Oh, yes that rule goes for you to I invited you to my first wedding
Lori Ann: Brock, you didn't just insult me
Brock: Yes, I did
Lori Ann: No, I mean you didn't just insult only me you insulted your marshamallow spouse over there too
(B.J. is crying)(Coming soon acts 4 and 5!)

Coming Soon!
Act 4 and 5 of "One for All and All For One"


Coming Soon!
fiction epsiode #3

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This is one of my favorite images
Cheyenne and Van on Valentines Day
